There are a lot of temptations that can lead you astray from living the healthy lifestyle that’s necessary to stay fit. One is all-too-easy access to fast food, another is sitting in front of the TV every evening instead of taking a walk. But there are also plenty of forces pushing us in the other direction, too: health insurance premiums go up if we don’t exercise; our doctor tells us it would be smart to lose weight before having surgery; and perhaps most importantly, we want to set an example for our kids.
But just as there are many temptations pulling us away from fitness, so too are there many things pulling us back towards it. We may not control what happens at work, but we can control what we eat and what we do or don’t do for exercise. We may not be able to control the bills that go up due to our healthcare company, but we can control our food intake and how much physical activity we get on a daily basis. And while we cannot exactly control whether our kids want to learn from us, we can make a powerful statement by living a fit lifestyle in an effort to set an example.
So our kids see we are constantly trying to improve ourselves and constantly succeeding in that pursuit. They also see that no matter how successful our lives become, there is always room for improvement; mediocre is never good enough. They see we accept constructive criticism and know how to use it to better ourselves. These are the 10 most important habits we as fit moms should try to instill in our children:
This is one of those things we feel so strongly about. We’re willing to spend a lot of money on better food. We might not afford organic all the time, but we can afford at least some of it and that’s what we aim for. Organic meat and vegetables, hormone-free dairy products (if we eat any dairy), and whole grains and lean meats are in our carts when we go to the grocery store. We don’t buy diet soda or sugar-sweetened beverages. We take our children to the farmer’s market for fresh, local produce.
Our lives are busy, but we always make time for exercise, no matter how much it needs to be done. For us, there is no excuse not to get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. That might come as taking the dog for a walk, doing sit-ups while watching TV, getting on our bikes or running shoes instead of using our cars, or anything else an activity that gets us moving and sweating - preferably both. We don’t just find excuses for why we can’t exercise; we come up with ways to make it happen.
We are the only ones who handle our bodies, so we take that responsibility seriously, cleaning them by bathing or showering regularly, including washing our feet and other areas often overlooked in the shower, using deodorant (for us ladies) and cologne (fellas). And, if needed, we treat our bodies to regular grooming services or products like hair cuts, waxing, or makeup.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of putting ourselves down when things go wrong. “I’m no good at this,” or “This always happens to me” are some of the more common self-defeating phrases uttered by fit moms when they are on their way to giving up during a workout or dealing with another issue that may put us off course from our goal. We refuse to accept defeat when things get tough. Instead, we change our tune and focus on how good it feels when we finish (or even just make progress), not necessarily how difficult it was to complete the task at hand. “I’m getting better at this,” or “This is where I am supposed to be” are phrases we repeat until they become part of who we are and how we approach life.
We all make mistakes and it’s important to learn from them instead of just ignoring them or making excuses for why they happened. Sometimes we might not actually learn much from them, but we at least acknowledge that we made a mistake and don’t attribute it to something else (like the dog tripping us or our significant other distracting us). We can do better next time and we know what not to do in similar situations.
We can get discouraged easily when something unexpected pops up, but we don’t let that feeling continue for long. We have to remember that no one is perfect and everything happens for a reason. This will be resolved or it won’t, so there’s nothing to worry about in the meantime. We remind ourselves of this as many times as needed until we stop worrying about what might happen and can focus on what’s happening now. Then, if possible, we try to change the situation for the better or learn from it in a positive way.
We don’t complain constantly about how unfair life is or how everything is going wrong. We know that we have a lot to be grateful for and as long as we can share our positive thoughts with those around us, things will only get better from there. We focus on what’s good in our lives instead of complaining about what isn’t perfect or could be worse.
We make time for the things that are most important to us, even if it means having less free time. This might mean getting up earlier or staying up later than usual, but we let nothing interfere with what is truly important in our lives. We never assume that someone else will do it or that something else is more important, because those things don’t matter to us and we only get one life.
We know what our goals are and we keep them in perspective. Sure, we might want to reach a certain level of fitness within a certain timeframe, but we don’t let ourselves obsess over it. We know that even if we don’t reach our ultimate goal, we will still be healthier and happier than before and that is what really matters in the end.
We try to live the healthiest lifestyle possible, but we also know that life happens. If we don’t have time to workout because of the kids or if the dog needs to be walked in the pouring rain, then so be it. We don’t try to make ourselves feel better by saying that smoking just one cigarette won’t cause any long-term damage or that it’s okay to have just one piece of chocolate. We know that it doesn’t matter why we are making these sacrifices, all that matters is that they are being made in order for us to lead a healthier lifestyle.
The 10 habits of fit moms can be tough to maintain, especially when you're faced with the temptations and challenges that come your way. But there are also many forces pulling us in the other direction: we may not be able to control what happens at work or how much our healthcare bills go up but we CAN change what we eat and do for exercise on a daily basis. It's important to set an example for our kids so they see that no matter how successful our lives become, there is always room for improvement; mediocre is never good enough. We should try every day to instill these 10 most important habits into our children because it will help them live healthier lifestyles- just like their mom!
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